
Tor johnson time for go to bed
Tor johnson time for go to bed

tor johnson time for go to bed tor johnson time for go to bed

Drivers falling asleep are unlikely to recollect having done so, but will be aware of the precursory state of increasing sleepiness probably reaching a state of fighting off sleep before an accident. Sleep does not occur spontaneously without warning. Possible pathological causes of driver sleepiness are discussed, but there is little evidence that this factor contributes greatly to the accident statistics. Older drivers are also vulnerable to sleepiness in the mid-afternoon. Circadian factors are as important in determining driver sleepiness as is the duration of the drive, but only duration of the drive is built into legislation protecting professional drivers. Time of day (circadian) effects are profound, with sleepiness being particularly evident during night shift work, and driving home afterwards. Many of these accidents are related to work-for example, drivers of lorries, goods vehicles, and company cars.

tor johnson time for go to bed

Falling asleep while driving accounts for a considerable proportion of vehicle accidents under monotonous driving conditions.

Tor johnson time for go to bed